2009年10月8日 星期四

Internet acution report2

Marketing: how people will know about your product and its availability online.

To make people know about my product, first of all, we need to put it on a auction website, such as Yahoo(http://hk.auctions.yahoo.com/), ebay(www.ebay.com.hk) and etc. Hence, people with the interest of our product can search through these auction websites.
With an eye to make people search our product more easily, we need to plan our tactic of making the keywords of our product. Maybe we can put some word which is not directly related to the name of our product. For example, people can also search our product through searching the author’s name of the comic.

On the other hand, since there is a discussing board for comic books in many forums on the internet, we can make a post to draw people attention that we have this set of comic books for auction. If someone is interested in the comic books and having a question, we can answer his/her question on the forum. It can let more people know about our product.

Besides, we should take the photo of the books with clear resolution as people’s attention is easily drawn by an attractive photo. There may be some faked products on the internet. Providing a clear photo for those who are interested in our product can convince them to want to know more about our products.

For the availability of our products online, the whole set of Doraemon comic with old name is very rare. Through searching on the auction website, I just find one people selling the same product of us and its starting point of the money is quite high. Also, some people are interested in it and asking the owner of the product some questions about that.
Thus, we are quite confident that there will be quite a lot of people interested in our product on the internet.

1 則留言:

  1. Your strategies fit well with your product. The product is very solid and the people who are interested in it are highly motivated. Your biggest task is to find the right starting price point in the current economic times. Also, did you decide to go with one auction site as using more than one will definitely lead to problems?
